Monday, December 7, 2009

Elmo Dethrowned!

Rocking Elmo is the only toy which has a certain special spot in the house. He sits on the mantel so he can play music whenever Cowboy is in the mood to dance. . .until now. Daddy started a Jack Johnson play list on his cell phone. Once Cowboy heard his favorite music he ran over to the mantel, grabbed Elmo by the fur of his face, and forcefully threw him to the ground. On Elmo's throne, Cowboy carefully placed Daddy's cell phone.

Sad Sunday School Scenario

When my mother came to visit I mentioned my heartache at having to leave Cowboy (just turned 2) in the nursery while he cried. (Of course I'd rather stay in there with him the whole two hours, but I don't think he would make too many friends in high school if I were still hovering over his back asking the other kids to play nice with my son.) Cowboy joined the conversation by telling this original narrative: "I crying at nursery, no open door, cry I want mommy." Noticing Grandma's confusion he proceeded to imitate his own cries and called out for mommy to clarify. His imitation of an occurrence that took place the previous day was so sophisticated we knew immediately what he was communicating. Yet his pretend sad face coupled with his boo hoo's was so dramatic I couldn't help but laugh, which lightened the mood for us both. Should've got a picture of that one!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prayers Answered

We recently gave our bloodhound to a friend who has quite a bit of acreage for her to explore. She usually stays on the property, however, she ran off during the lightening storm last Friday. This afternoon, I received a relieving phone call from a vet who accessed her microchip. It turns out she was found 15 miles from home, on a 'not so random' front porch. I can just see her perched outside the door, waiting patiently for the food and care she expected. . . not a worry in the world written across her droopy face. She could have easily crossed the paths of hungry coyotes and wandered without food for days or she may have walked near well lit roads and found water and shelter along the way. However complicated or simple the answer to our prayer may have come, our hope was substantiated when a kind citizen opened their door, feed her and took her to the vet.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chactaw and Chickasaw

I knew my husband was part American Indian and was interested in finding out which tribe, if any, his ansestors were registered. So, last night I searched his family history (I will post the site for those of you who would like to check out your own)and found some of his Great, Great Grandparents listed on the Dawes Roll, which was taken in the late 1800s of those American Indians who were sadly 'relocated' (in more correct terms 'moved by force') to Oklahoma after the Indian Relocation Act. Most of our family were affiliated with, or members of, the Chactaw tribe and others with the Chickasaw tribe. It is my understanding that both tribes are closely related in culture and language. So, its safe to say, that on more than one occation one of our Cowboy/frontiersman Grandparents fell in love with another of our Chickasaw or Chactaw Grandparents during a time when the two groups did not exist peacefully. I would love to read their stories! I will let you know when I find them.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

And the babies came. . .

Two years after we were married we had Cowboy and two years after that came Cowgirl. I'm sure the other Mommies who are reading can relate to the "there are no words to describe" concept when it comes to the love you have for your children so I will just have to say that in them I find my greatest joy and sense of accomplishment. I have always felt that my children are far better people than I with something significant to accomplish in this life, and rather than bore you with my proof for this argument, I'll let them do the talkin and 'cooing' in future posts. Now that you have been introduced to the family, let the daily blogs begin!

Engaged the 'Old-Fashioned' Way

When I'm faced with a small, non-threatening decision, such as what type of bottles to buy for that once a year car trip to the beach, I research for hours and take months to solve. . . but when there is a life changing fork in the road I'll choose which way to go in 3 minutes. My husband and I were engaged two weeks after meeting one another and married within 3 months. Not to mention we met on a 20 hour road trip that started at 10 pm (you can really get to know someone that way), from the very beginning we both had a gut feeling we would be together for life. If you think I'm a lunatic, I just have one answer to that: When you know, you know! Besides, I attribute that feeling in my core to God's answering my prayers and what greater source of knowledge can you have?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where my story starts. . .

If you are wondering how Grandma fits in to this blog (besides the fact she is in my title) let me clarify. Since Grandma played such a big role in my life, I suppose it was only natural for me to adopt some of her interests. I'd never met a man my own age who enjoyed Frank Sinatra as much as I until I met my husband. He took me back in time to the 40's when Grandma and Grandad's love blossomed on our first date to a Frank Sinatra Jr. concert. We were the only couple in the casino theater that couldn't remember the first Sinatra. In fact, some of Frank's original band members played that night, and let me tell ya, they were as old as dirt and still playing vibrantly! After the concert, my husband walked me down to the vast Lake Tahoe. I didn't see anyone with a good playing hand back at the casino, but I can tell my husband now, he wasn't only dealt a good hand, but that evening he played his cards just right. I was hooked for the long run. Of course, it didn't detract from his objective when he planned part of our date outside in the cold! I couldn't help but snuggle right up next to him, after all, it was freezing out!